Thursday 25 June 2020

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Worst feature - nothing dies

Owing to Disney's timely morality-steering interventions - specifically their animated musical fantasy film, Pocahontas - we've learnt that it's wrong to invade the land of indigenous American Indians, plunder their precious resources, and even annihilate them should they dare to object. Thanks Disney, I'll give that a miss in future then. Featuring the voices of Mel Gibson and Irene Bedard, it's very loosely based on the life story of the real Native American woman, Matoaka. By 'loosely' I mean it's about as accurate as Dumbo, seeing as the true story isn't especially palatable for young children, or in accordance with Disney's didactic diatribe.

In the same year (1995), an accompanying puzzley-platformer video game was commissioned by Disney, developed by Funcom for the SEGA Mega Drive, to hammer home the equality, peace, love and understanding message.

Is it possible to look beyond the preachy character-building manipulation to enjoy Pocahontas in either medium? And still emerge as a decent human being imbued with non-murderous, civilised values? Let's find out.