Thursday, 10 July 2003


File Interrupted

I've been downloading a large file from an FTP site for several hours and it has suddenly become inaccessible. Even though I can log in using the same username and password I cannot resume my download. What am I doing wrong?

This can happen when the owner of the FTP site has moved the files from one drive to another. When you log in, the layout looks identical so it can be difficult to spot the problem.

To correct the location of the partially transferred file and resume your download, search for the file using your FTP client and then right-click on it. Now select 'copy URL to clipboard'. Open the download status window of your FTP client or download manager, right-click on the half finished file and select 'change URL'. Finally, right-click in the dialog box and select the paste option. Now when you double-click it to resume downloading you should be able to continue from where you left off.