Saturday, 12 March 2005

Topsites confiscated in Swedish ISP swoop

On Thursday the anti-piracy division of the Swedish Enforcement Administration, aka Antipiratbyran, raided the Stockholm offices of at the behest of the Swedish Performing Rights Society, which protects the interests of entertainment big wigs EMI, Sony and Universal.

Antipiratbyran agents engineered the raids by infiltrating the company and 'phoning home' with information relating to four of Europe's largest topsites, three of which have been identified as Artic Connexion (, Enigma CD ( and Infinite Power (

Copyright enforcement officers had been instructed to scour the servers specifically for four movies and eight music albums. Although they were unable to locate the target intellectual property, they were not disappointed; upon inspection, the servers were found to contain 23 terabytes worth of bootleg material. The seizure comprised 5000 software titles, 1800 movies and 450,000 MP3 music files.