Friday 24 July 2020

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Bahd to the bone

If Gods doesn't float your boat due to its stodgy, unforgiving controls, you might like to give Deliverance a fair hack and/or slash of the current blade being wielded like a medieval maniac. It's far more manoeuvrable and therefore accessible as a pickup and play arcade platformer, otherwise featuring analogous mechanics and visual themes.

Raising the bar (well, for anyone who enjoys Gothic horror media), Deliverance should really have been published with at least a 15 age rating given the topless nudity and post-torture remnants exhibited in the background graphics. 21st Century were careful not to display that aspect on the box surprisingly enough. Offering greater universal appeal I'd imagine, some of the dexterously animated sprites are a wonder to behold, particularly that of our protagonist. Most of the humongous end-of-level bosses less so. Expecting that level of finesse throughout would perhaps be pushing our luck in 1992, powered by an Amiga 500.

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