Monday 27 July 2020

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We are never ever ever getting back together

Quicksilva's 8-bit conversion of Raymond Brigg's festive classic, The Snowman, is a single screen snowman-building affair in which we embody James, the bewildered child who learns that sentient life can be generated and lost within the space of a single night, and is actually jolly rotten regardless of what he might have forgotten. We can laugh and joke and sing all we like, but, if in the morning, our only friend remains an icy puddle buoying a floating carrot and a couple of lumps of coal, it's hard to argue that life is anything other than a bit of a shoddy deal not worth 1up-ing. If you allow yourself to be sent to slumberland through collision with a fiendish sleep monster, there may be a slim chance of momentarily forgetting that human existence is futile and you may as well dissolve with a blowtorch everything you hold dear to your heart before fate takes the decision out of your knitted mitts. Happy Christmas! God bless us, one and all.

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