Wednesday 29 July 2020

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It's a magical place, we're on our way there...

Stranded on the 'The Hippest Place in The Known Universe' following a crash landing, as the only remaining Fuzzy Wuzzy at liberty, it's Clyde Radcliff's duty to rescue his clan from incarceration, averting certain torture and probable death at the stubby hands of the devious demon inhabitants.

Creatures is a game of two halves spliced with a shopping trip to visit a potion emporium hosted by an overly suggestive, friendly witch. Here Clyde exchanges 'magic potion creatures' (collected during the traditional platform stages) for enhanced halitosis breath projectile patterns. The ultimate weapon in his unyielding mission to Exterminate All The Unfriendly, Repulsive Earth-Ridden Slime referred to in the title's backronym.

Located at the end of each level is an ACME-powered torture chamber in which Clyde discovers to his horror one of his chums poised to befall a fate worse than living an untrendy existence. If he fails to sabotage the demon's intricate machinery in time, they'll be squished, bludgeoned, pulverised, sawed in two, made holey with mini-gun rounds, or otherwise treated in a manner that's none too pleasant.

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