Tuesday 21 July 2020

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If Poundland published Amiga games

One thing you can always guarantee in the world of gaming is that if a developer hits upon a winning formula, it will be xeroxed mercilessly until the star fades from the flimsy packaging and you can no longer tell which is the genuine article. On the commercial side, Impulze took their chances with an Edd the Duck-themed Rainbow Islands clone, while then-Nottingham University student, Alastair Murray, replicated the same game for the public domain market. Banana Islands is home to our anonymous, simian protagonist sprite who must exploit his banana projectiles to neutralise or trap enemies as he ascends each level in a race to outrun the rising 'hurry up' tsunami.

This YouTube script/video was followed up with a further analysis of the recognisable, popular music featured in Banana Islands since I was remiss to include this first time around. I've also attached the script for this.

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