Thursday 23 July 2020

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Not my body, I need that! It's got my arms and legs attached!

With their platform-gaming translation of The Incredible Crash Dummies, Gray Matter taught us the benefits of not being run over by traffic, buckling up when in the car... and how to waddle along on a decapitated torso should we come a cropper and lose both of our legs. All useful life lessons.
Further novelty comes in the form of our dummy's unique health status system. Succumbing to each penalty hit results in the loss of a limb, and once we lose them all, we're a dead dummy. See, quadriplegia is funny after all if it's depicted in a game! Limb loss doesn't have to be catastrophic if we can maintain the existence of at least one, since collecting screwdrivers will regenerate them an appendage at a time.

In a separate article, I cover the curious case of the missing lawn bowling sign with regards to one of The Incredible Crash Dummies game ports.

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